
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wrath of Old Man Winter

Oh man I'm not going to lie, we are snowed in and it is wonderful!! I love to be stranded with my little family! We have been having a slumber party in our room since Thursday night! I am glad we have power, but I don't think it would change anything if we didn't.
It is so beautiful outside too! I am not one for winter weather, but it sure can take your breath away when everything is covered in white snow, it somehow makes everything look new.
Well...I am off to enjoy more time with my family!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Salvation cont'd....

So, yesterday I shared my personal salvation testimony. Today, I want to share the next step I took. Remember, some ideas are what I think and believe, I am by no means a theologian nor a Bible scholar, I am in practice and thirsty for a deeper knowledge. Doing this blog forces me to study and dig to find things I didn't/need to know, and I am then only sharing what I learned, not preaching. I do not ever want to misrepresent the Word of God, which is one reason I input verses that I get my ideas from. My opinion is only to reflect where I am currently in my Spiritual walk. What is written in the Lambs Book of Life is the Truth, but what condemns me may not hit you the same way, I am only sharing my own testimony.

Okay, I ended yesterday saying that I rededicated my life to Christ in college. The bible says that the next step after accepting Jesus as our savior is baptism.
In Matthew 3:13-16 Jesus models the step of baptism for us. Here is the breakdown...Jesus goes to John the Baptist to be baptized, and John didn't think it was appropriate since Jesus was perfect, why would he need to be baptized? He had nothing to repent. But, Jesus responded by saying, "Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." So basically, Jesus is identifying with us sinners because He was to die for our sins, it represented His death and resurrection. My bible notes that it also signified a public affirmation of His messiahship by testimony directly from heaven. Wow, huh?! I just have to stop a moment and try to contemplate. I mean of all the Kings in history, do you know of one that would be so humble to consider Himself as one of us, a lesser being? Especially dirty rotten sinners?! I mean I could just see that scene, I bet mouths were opened and people were on their knees! Oh and not to mention the scene after he is baptized! Verse 16..."After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lightning on Him, and behold a voice out of the heavens said, [This is My beloved Son, in which I am well-pleased.]" Whoa Baby, right?! See! I learned something new that makes me fall in love even more with Him!
Moving on...I needed to be baptized. I had been baptized when I was younger, but I didn't understand, so I needed to be obedient now that I had understood. I was too embarrassed and didn't get baptized until this last summer. I had disobeyed, and I think that I suffered the consequence. I always felt like I was stuck, and I couldn't move forward, or that I was out of sorts, not good enough. I learned, after finally giving up my earthly worries of how I would look, that my life was renewed and that I was forgiven. Even though I accepted Jesus, not following up with being baptized crippled my thinking by leaving me clutching on to a lie that I wasn't forgiven for my life before. Baptism is important not only because Jesus said so, but it represents our repentance and our belief in Jesus Christ so that we may walk in "newness of life." Romans 6:3 -Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. Our old life buried (going under the water/Jesus dying on the cross) and a new life arises (coming out of the water/Jesus resurrecting on the third day.) That verse says that we are "baptized into Christ", into being the key word. We are united with Him as we are baptized. He ultimately suffered and literally died for our sins, while we only experience spiritual death and Resurrection. So, it is such an intimate response and a privilege to be united like that with our Savior.
I think that after I was baptized, the power and the meaning made so much sense, and gave me a freedom and understanding I didn't have before. We may not always know why we have to do things that we are to do, nor want to, but, when we are obedient we often find peace and a sense of understanding, which is such a blessing and brings us closer to our Father

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I said that one of my goals is to share what God is doing in my life, so where better to start than the beginning. I assume most of you who read this know me, and that I am a Christian (southern baptist), but you may not know how, when, where, and why. I think it is important to tell your salvation testimony for a couple of reasons. First, to know what took place. Sometimes when we say/write things, we ourselves understand better, and lets face it, we are a religion that lacks knowledge of why we believe what we believe. (Not that you have to know and understand everything to become a Christian, but it is so important to know who our God is and why it is vital that we know Him.) Second, it is a tool for reaching the lost and confused. Some things I have learned about telling your salvation testimony is to keep it short, but know the key points. (I am still trying to learn that) For instance, you want the listener to hear what your life was like without Jesus and how your life has changed after you accepted Him. That is only a vague explaination, but I think you get my point. Of Course, the Holy Spirit will help direct you as different circumstances call for different approaches. Anyway, here is my attempt to walk you through my Christian walk so far....

I was so blessed to be raised by Christian parents, so I had a foundation to stand on. I grew up knowing who Jesus was and that He died for me, but I didn't really understand anything more than the intellectual facts, and bible stories. By high school I was going to church and very active in my youth group. I was probably a cliche' Christian teenager, I would go to Falls Creek and get my spiritual high only to come back for a week being a self-righteous jerk and slowly lose it. Not that I did horible things, but as far as being Christlike, I had no fruit and no real understanding, as far as I was concerned it was for a good reputation. (Galations 5:22-"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.": John 15:5-"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do NOTHING." : Matthew 3:8 -"Therefore bear fruit in keeping with repentance...") I walked through all the motions, but never got it... until college. I was at rock bottom, I was working to keep things in my life that didn't belong. I tried to control my own life. Well, it wasn't working. I was a miserable, lonely, self-conscious girl. I knew (from the example of my parents) that I needed Christ, but at this point I couldn't see past all of my selfish desires.
God placed a friend in the midst of all this 'mess of a life' I had made (she became one of my dearest friends) and through her faith, influence, and example I started to see an end to my misery. I started attending a church, self-conscious and very broken. (Matthew 11:28-29 - "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls") Every time I went, I left feeling hopeful, and my hardend heart started to become soft again. I finally returned to my Savior understanding what had been missing my whole life up until then, a relationship with Him. (Philippians 3:10 - that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead." ) In this verse, Paul is saying we must have a deep intimate relationship with Christ in order to truly know Him; and what living for Him means. More proof that this idea wasn't about a reputation, rules for good morals, or just something to believe in, this, relationship, is Truth. Jesus wanted a relationship with me, so I rededicated my life to Him, but this time I knew exactly what I was saying. Was life just hunky dory after that? Absolutely not!!! Though my worldly circumstances didn't change, my heart and my perspective did. There will always be death, destruction, and hardships here on earth, but I can rest in the fact that I have been saved.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There have been a couple of things that have "shawked" me today. First, I never imagined that I would love to do this! I love tweaking and designing our page. Second, is a gross story. The last couple of days we have had an awful odor fill our house. If you know me at all you know that I HATE things that stink! The more days went by the worse it got and soon started smelling like a dead rodent. My worst fear (well not worst, but for sake of the story) I think is coming true, something is dead in my house! So, Spencer and I start sniffing for the source. We probably looked so ridiculous putting our noses everywhere, but I was determined. After a while, Spencer came to the conclusion that whatever it was had to be dead in a wall and that we couldn't do anything about it. I was so upset and a little disturbed that something was rotting in our walls, but I had to give it up for the night and go to bed.
The next day I had plans to make pork chops and potatoes. I went to grab the bag of potatoes and was "shawked" to find that they were in fact the source!! They had rotted and somehow became soupy. I was so glad that I found out the bad smell!! We did not have potatoes for dinner for those that may wonder.

Another goal I have for starting this blog is to share what is on my heart as far as what God is showing me. There are so many areas in my life and my walk with Christ that need TLC and growth. I probably won't be profound like some people, but I can be transparent and honest. My hope and prayer is that by sharing my heart I will speak to those of you who read this and that in doing so it will help to keep me accountable. I am excited!

Well, well, well...

I'm not one for social networking... it makes me nervous. However, my creative wife started this here site so that we can share what's going on in our lives with those who choose to take time to read. Hopefully this will be a way I can talk about what good things The Lord is doing without anybody getting mad at me for not writing on their wall.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Learning to Blog

Ok, so I have wanted to do this for a while, but I've always thought it was hard to start. I have a lot to learn, but I am pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to start. I am excited to share what my family is up to and my personal thoughts!! My goal is to do this everyday, so stay tuned. ;)
Oh...and Spencer and I both will be posting, so you get thoughts from both of us!! This color is me, and Spencer's is the yellow.